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SZABIST Larkana International Research Conference 2020

Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology (SZABIST)Larkana, organized its First International Research Conference on Business, Management and Computer Technology – IRCoBMCT 2020 at SZABIST, Larkana Campus on February 8th and 9th, 2020. The opening day started from 09:00 am and concluded till 06:30 pm. First IRCoBMCT 2020 with a theme “Emerging Markets Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in Business & Management: Building a Sustainable future through innovation and Computer Technology” brought scholarly community together to debate particularly in the areas of business, management, computer technology, innovation and sustainable development. Dr. Arshad Saleem, Vice President (Administration) SZABIST in his inauguration address highlighted the SZABIST mission towards research, innovation and scientific discovery. He stated that “this progressive institute is a marvelous gift from the Bhutto family to the youth of Larkana. SZABIST is not just an institute , it is a philosophy and this IRC is one step ahead towards our vision that is “Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology shall be world class institute recognized globally for its excellence in education, scholarship in research and distinction in service.”

SZABIST Larkana 14th Annual Convocation 2020

The 14th Annual Convocation of the Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) Larkana Campus was held on 26th February 2020 at the Sachal Banquet Larkana. 107 degrees conferred to graduates in the 14th Annual Convocation 2020, Chief Guest of the occasion was Mr. Naseer Memon , who is General Manager CSR , Public Affairs and Communication at Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) along with Ms. Aseefa Bhutto Zardari member board of trustee SZABIST.