Application Processing Fee | Rs. 2,000 (Pakistan Nationals) |
Admission Fee | Rs. 25,000 (Pakistan Nationals), Admission Fee is payable once at the beginning of the study and is non-refundable. |
Security Deposit (Refundable) | Rs. 15,000 (Pakistan Nationals) |
Students Activity Charges | Rs. 1,500 per Semester |
Course Registration Fee | Rs. 500 per Course |
Examination Fee | Rs. 500 per Course |
Gross Fee | Rs. 151,200 |
Subsidy | Rs. 60,480 |
Net Fee | Rs. 90,720 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 151,200 |
Subsidy | Rs. 60,480 |
Net Fee | Rs. 90,720 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 154,800 |
Subsidy | Rs. 64,079 |
Net Fee | Rs. 90,720 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 120,600 |
Subsidy | Rs. 38,880 |
Net Fee | Rs. 81,720 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 160,200 |
Subsidy | Rs. 64,080 |
Net Fee | Rs. 96,120 |
Lab Charges per Semester | Rs. 3,000 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 169,200 |
Subsidy | Rs. 46,801 |
Net Fee | Rs. 122,400 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 112,800 |
Subsidy | Rs. 31,200 |
Net Fee | Rs. 81,600 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 99,600 |
Subsidy | Rs. 18,000 |
Net Fee | Rs. 81,600 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 103,200 |
Subsidy | Rs. 34,800 |
Net Fee | Rs. 68,400 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 130,500 |
Subsidy | Rs. 33,750 |
Net Fee | Rs. 96,750 |
Gross Fee | Rs. 99,000 |
Subsidy | Rs. 0 |
Net Fee | Rs. 99,000 |
Form Fee | Rs. 1,000 |
Security Deposit | Rs. 5,000 |
Annual Fee | Rs. 120,000 |
Additionally, scholarships amounting up to 100% of tuition fee are available to needy and meritorious continuing students.
Tuition Fee is charged on the actual number of credit hours taken and must be paid at the beginning of each semester. SZABIST reserves the right to change the tuition fee for new and continuing students and withdraw scholarship without prior notice. All other financial rules, as outlined in the SZABIST prospectus and handbook and as announced from time to time, will be applicable to all students. Fee is subject to withholding tax as per the Government policy.